Let’s talk HIIT Fitness sessions with the Fit For Life crew! We all know the method is tried, tested, and proven - over and over and over again!

HIIT Fitness sessions with Fit For Life are run with a bit of a twist, all of our group fitness trainers take the time to understand exactly what goals you’re looking to achieve and work with you during a session to help you get there.

Our HIIT Fitness Sessions will leave you pushing your limits, we’ll bring the workout and tunes, you bring the determination and we’ll get you results in no time!


If you're short on time but still want to get a great workout in, the Fit For Life high intensity training (HIIT) sessions (we call them HIIT FIT) will soon become your new go to workout. 

We call the HIIT group fitness sessions ‘HIIT FIT’ and, you’ll find that this type of training involves short bursts of intense effort followed by short and sharp rest periods - think 60 seconds on and 10 seconds to move to the next station before going for 60 seconds again. 

Our sessions are focused on getting results and run for 60 minutes in total. If you’re wondering what this is made up of, each of our group HIIT sessions include:

  • 45 minutes of solid workout time; and 

  • Good time for you to warm up and cool down on either side of the workout time to make sure you’re not going in cold or coming to a hard stop (we hate injuries as much as you do and have got you covered to help avoid them!).


The main benefits of HIIT group training are that it is an efficient way to get a workout in and they can almost certainly help you push through any plateaus you might be experiencing. The key to getting all the benefits from Group HIIT sessions is that you can squeeze a lot of high heart rate activity into just 45 minutes of intense activity which forces your body to adapt and keep improving on how it was yesterday!

Other benefits of HIIT group training include:

  1. Being an amazing and effective way to burn those calories,

  2. Helping you improve your cardiovascular fitness, 

  3. Increasing your muscle strength and muscular endurance, and 

  4. Boosting your metabolism (who doesn’t like the sound of that!).


The Fit For Life group fitness sessions are for everyone from the mum who is getting back to fitness after the birth of a little one or the experienced athlete looking to push themselves and take things to the next level. 

Our favourite part of running HIIT FIT sessions is that we help you adapt, modify or substitute each exercise to suit YOUR fitness level, making them accessible to everyone:

  • Want to go harder? Reach for that heavier weight. 

  • Just getting started on your fitness journey? Reach for the lighter weight and test yourself against you previous best effort.

So why not give it a try? You might just discover that high intensity training is the key to unlocking your fitness potential.